Kids Say the Darndest Things…

by staff on July 11, 2010

I could tell story after story of our kids’ funny comments and actions, but these are a couple of my favorites:

I was driving in the car one day with a second grader who was talking, talking, talking in the backseat, just chit chatting away.  She stopped, pondered for a moment (I assumed), and then said, “Ms. Rebekah…”

“Yes?” I replied. She proclaimed, “God is so awesome! He can change a bathing suit into a swimsuit!”

Another day, we were rehearsing Christmas carols before taking the kids to sing at a local nursing home.  We were practicing “O Come All Ye Faithful,” in which one of the lines says, “O come, let us adore him.” After the song, a staff member asked, “Does anyone know what the word ‘adore’ means?” A five-year old boy shot up his hand with excitement and declared with confidence: “Something you knock on!”

Posted by Rebekah

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