What’s New…

by sophia on November 7, 2011

Every year we are excited when November rolls around and we can prepare for our BIGGEST EVENTS OF THE YEAR!

Shoes that Fit!  This is a wonderful opportunity for our staff and our volunteers to connect with our families and provide practical, tangible items that our kids use everyday.   See the video from last year’s event:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AqWc5BZfCI

(For more information on how you can help us with the Event please contact us)

Thanksgiving Boxes of Love:  Along with shoes we give our families a box full of food for a nice Thanksgiving dinner.

Just so you know:   Our after school program is back to 5-days a week (after cutting back to 4 days a week over the summer).  We are trusting God for the financial support to keep this program strong.

Come on down to help us!

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